Monday, June 29, 2009

Ignite - Ann Arbor

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers.

Ignite was started in Seattle in 2006 by Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis. Since then 100s of 5 minute talks have been given across the world. There are thriving Ignite communities in Seattle, Portland, Paris, NYC and now Ann Arbor.

We invite you to attend the first ever, Ignite Ann Arbor event. You may learn a thing or two, or perhaps even make some good networking contacts.

To learn more about this event, head over to

Please RSVP at: (Space is limited!)
Twitter search term: #ignitea2

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